Sunday 7 September 2008

Howard's photos

L-R Chris, Jimmy, Pauline, John, Liz

Pauline, John & Mark
L-R Liz, Claire, Ellen, Val, Jamie, Gill, Angharad
L-R - Jamie, Gill, Angharad, Chris, Pauline, John, Mark, Liz, Claire
The party goers!
Val & Pauline with all the food!!!
Ellen & Jimmy
Jimmy, Beth & Gerwyn
Val, Jamie & Claire

Monday 1 September 2008

For the last 3 years, John and I have organised a meet for our friends at Powderham Castle Tourist Park, Lanlivery - This year is the first one that we have photos.

August this year has been very wet, and the site was somewhat muddy. However, the sun did shine on us some days, and the mud did start to dry up. Our thanks to Darren and Ginny Hopkins (site owners) for allowing us to use solid ground sheets in our awnings to help keep the mud at bay!

A good time was had by all as can be seen from the photos. We celebrated Val's birthday (21 again for Val!!) and also little Tom's 2nd birthday on 27th August with a huge spread in our awning. I think we could have fed the whole camp site!! It was also Howard and Val's 44th wedding anniversary on 29th August. Congratulations to them.

Our farewell meal was at Bodmin Jail - The new La Scala restaurant had opened only a week before. We were all thrilled with the ambience of the place, which was originally the prison chapel. We know from previous visits that the work to convert the chapel to the wonderful restaurant that is there now has had many pitfalls. Our congratulations to Simon and Dave for having the vision to carry out the conversion, and for giving Bodmin a first class eating experience.

We are already planning next year's meet, and dates will follow soon.

Happy campers!

Our meal at the new LaScala restaurant at Bodmin Jail. It was also Howard & Val's 44th wedding anniversary. Around the table from the left - Val, Howard, John, Gill, Ellen, Jimmy, Mark, Pauline, Liz, Chris.

Chris & Liz

Jimmy & Ellen

Leon & Gerwyn


L-R - Gill, Beth, Gerwyn, Val, John, Mark, Tom, Claire

L-R - Ellen, Jimmy, Beth, Gill, Gerwyn, Val, Jamie

John & his women - Gill and Ellen!

Val & Claire

Gerwyn & Tom

Jamie & Jimmy

Our field at Powderham Castle Touring Park, Lanlivery, Cornwall

Val and little Tom's birthday food